Our Expertise

Founded by Callum Adams, Kite Visuals offers a wide range of aerial services including cinematography, aerial inspections, and mapping. Callum works with industry professionals and creatives alike to deliver high-quality beautifully considered aerial imagery.

Callum the founder has over 10 years of experience in the outdoor industry working as a high-performance snowboard coach and with outdoor brands before moving into aerial imaging.

Callum’s experience has allowed him a unique perspective of the outdoors with a sympathetic eye to environmental issues. Kite specialises in navigating challenging environments delivering informed assessments, stunning aerial footage and a creative perspective.

Our Qualifications and latest equipment allow us to operate drones in almost any location in the UK including City centres and at night.

Qualifications and Accreditation

CAA- accredited Remote Piloted Aircraft System Operator (RPAS)

GVC Qualified 

NVQ Level 4 Drone Operations